

東華需要您伸出援手!Please help spread, thanks.


  東華已於學校首頁成立唯一官方捐款管道,以避免社會大眾及校友遭受不當連結詐騙。同時,將依照校務基金相關規定公開捐款明細及用途,以昭公信。捐款者(個人或企業)將會收到本校開立之捐款收據。您的捐款可於個人當年度綜合所得或企業營利所得總額中扣除。 感謝您的支持與協助,相信能讓每一筆捐款成為希望的種子,使東華再次茁壯。國立東華大學首頁網址如下,敬請點選「0403地震東華重建捐款專戶」。


National Dong Hwa University suffered severe damage to the laboratory on the fourth floor of the Science and Engineering Building due to the 0403 earthquake. The restoration of teaching facilities requires substantial funds, and we hope for generous contributions from all sectors of society and alumni to help Dong Hwa overcome this difficulty. Your donations, regardless of amount, will expedite the restoration of the campus and provide a safe learning environment for students. Dong Hwa has established the only official donation channel on the school’s homepage to prevent the public and alumni from falling victim to improper links or fraud. Thank you for your support and assistance. We believe that each donation can become a seed of hope, enabling Dong Hwa to flourish once again. https://www.ndhu.edu.tw/
